How To Buy A Concrete Mixer Pump In China

If you’re planning to buy a concrete mixer pump, you should seriously consider buying one from a manufacturer based in China. There are several advantages offered by Chinese manufacturers. Having said that, not all China-based manufacturers offer excellent prices or quality. In this blog post, we will discuss how you should go about choosing the right manufacturer for buying a concrete mixer pump (мобильный бетоносмеситель с насосом) in China.

How To Buy A Concrete Mixer Pump In China
China Concrete Mixer Pump For Sale

What are the specifications you want?

Before you go shopping, you must finalize the specifications you need for your mixer pump. These pumps are available in wide-ranging capacities, types, designs and a whole lot of other parameters. If you haven’t finalized the specifications before you start looking for such pumps, it is going to be a difficult time for you.

Many companies have added a lot of bells and whistles to their products just to stand out from the competition and if you’re not sure about the specifications, you might end up buying features you don’t need. Obviously, those features cost a ton of money and if you’re not going to use those features, there is no sense in paying for them.

Some important things you need to finalize include the capacity of the mixer pump (бетономешалки с насосом), maximum vertical and horizontal distance it can cover, maximum aggregate size it can handle, power of the motor, ease of operation, ease of maintenance, ease of cleaning, and other such things.

What about after-sales service?

Many people don’t really understand the importance of after-sales service but once you have bought a product, you will quickly understand why it’s important to research this aspect before placing your order with a manufacturer in China.

These pumps handle concrete which results in a lot of wear and tear. Obviously, you will need to replace some components due to regular wear and tear. This is where after-sales service becomes so important. Companies that don’t really care about their customers do not have a strong network to provide replacement parts or service technicians.

If you buy this pump from one such company and a component is damaged, you will obviously struggle to find a replacement. This is why you should make sure that the company offers a strong service network and quality replacement parts are easily available at an affordable price. Learn more:

Concrete Mixer Pump Price
Concrete Mixer Pump In China

What is the reputation of the company?

There are thousands of manufacturers in China offering all kinds of products but not all of them care about their reputation. In fact, many sellers posing as manufacturers on online portals are nothing but middlemen.

They just want to make a quick buck at the expense of unsuspecting customers. They don’t really care about their customers. This is why you need to dig deeper to find the reputation of the company that is selling the pump.

Get in touch with the salesperson and ask them to provide some client references. You might also want to ask them to give you a video tour of the manufacturing facility. It will help in establishing that they are a genuine company and not a middleman.

Final Thoughts

Overall, there are several advantages of buying a concrete mixer pump from a company based in China (AIMIX компания). However, not all the companies based in China are capable of producing good quality products that last a long time. This is why you need to do your research. Begin by finalizing your specifications and choose a company that has an excellent reputation and is known for impeccable after-sales service.