Tips To Buy A Self Loading Concrete Mixer At An Affordable Price

The self-loading concrete mixer (автобетоносмеситель с самозагрузкой) is a special piece of equipment in the construction industry. It is a self-contained piece of equipment that is accurate and able to deliver almost all kinds of concrete mix spec in just a few minutes. If you use your favorite search engine for buying a self-loading concrete mixer, you would perhaps find hundreds of suppliers across the globe but there is a lot you need to consider before placing an order for this expensive piece of equipment.

It costs tens of thousands of dollars and buying one based on someone’s recommendation and without due diligence is unlikely to get you the best value for your money. Here is what you need to know about buying an affordable mixer.

5.5 cub self-loading concrete mixer truck
5.5 cub self-loading concrete mixer truck

Check out the Brands You Trust and Currently Use

Start with a brand of equipment you’re currently using. If you already have a favorite brand, check out whether they also sell a self-loading mixer. If they do, do not buy one immediately. A manufacturer which is good at making a certain piece of machinery is not always going to be good at making all kinds of equipment. Keep in mind that a self-loading mixer (бетоносмеситель с самозагрузкой) is a specialized piece of equipment and not everybody gets it right.

It’s a compact piece of equipment with hundreds of components working in tandem in order to deliver the kind of quality you want, every single time. Not everybody has the specialization and expertise to achieve that goal. However, checking out the brands you already trust is a good starting point. If a brand you trust also makes this equipment, you need to dig deeper before placing an order.

Search Online

You can buy almost everything these days ranging from a small pack of needles to literally an airplane. It goes without saying that you should be able to buy all kinds of construction equipment online and there are portals that specifically cater to suppliers (like AIMIX GROUP in China) and buyers of construction machinery. However, it’s not as simple as placing an order online. It’s an expensive piece of equipment and you wouldn’t want to end up with something that isn’t worth your investment.

The right way to go about buying an expensive piece of equipment online is to search through the reviews of various companies on the portal and making sure that they have good reviews from past clients. If possible, you should get in touch with the company and ask them to share the details of a few clients. Ideally, you should personally speak to these clients to know more about their own long-term experience with the equipment and after sales service provided by the company.

3.5 cub self-loading mixer
3.5 cub self-loading mixer

Local Suppliers

Usually, there are several local suppliers that sell all kinds of construction equipment. They also maintain an inventory of various types of self-loading mixers. You could check out their inventory and ask them for a few recommendations. However, before you give them a call and ask for recommendations, you need to be prepared. They might try to sell you something which makes them the most money but has a lot of bells and whistles you don’t need.

In order to buy a self loading mixer at an affordable price, you should first check out the brands you currently use. You should also search online to find suppliers of these mixers at an affordable price. Do not contact a local supplier before finalizing the specifications you need and making sure you know everything there is to know about this piece of equipment in order to get the best value for your money. Learn more about self-loading mixer: